Author and fairy tale advocate Kate Bernheimer calls Housebound, “A masterful, miniature, paradox world. So many surging demands on dear Maggie, this story’s main girl. Oh, horrible danger must lurk for her—or something much worse, and prettier still, something that goes back much further than time...Housebound kept me spellbound.”
the 2014 Binghamton University John Gardner Fiction Book Award Announcement
housebound makes the list of finalists!
The Collagist, excerpt from chapter two of Housebound
You can read an excerpt from chapter two online at The Collagist
storySouth review
here's what Jonathan Williams at storySouth has to say about the book
Knoxville News Sentinel Review
here's what Emily Choate with has to say about the book
heavy feather review
Here's what Louise Henrich has to say about the book
Necessary Fiction review
here's what Michelle Bailat-Jones has to say about the book
The Small Press Book Review
here's what Taylor Breslin has to say about the book
Ampersand Review
here's what leigh jajuga has to say about the book
Tate Street High Society & Co.
Here's a three-sentence review from Jon Williams
The Collagist review
here's what angela woodward has to say about the book (spoiler alert!)
ForeWord Reviews
here's what Lisa Bower has to say about the book
chapter 16 review
here's what Emily Choate has to say about the book
Of Books and Bicycles review
Here's what my best friend of twenty years has to say about the book on her awesome book blog (and she's totally objective!)
[PANK] review
here's what Thomas Michael Duncan has to say about the book
Metro Pulse Q & A
here's a brief conversation about the book with Cari Wade Gervin
The Collagist interview
here's an "interview-in-excerpts"